Monday, November 3, 2014

Daycare Diaries: September Activities

The start of the ber-months marks another milestone in Neo’s academic life.  At the tender age of 2 (he’ll be turning 3 by December), he has learned a lot.  Without any boastfulness, just being a proud mama, I can say that my little boy’s development is way ahead for his age.

So what are the little boy’s development and daycare diaries for the month of September?  Here they are.

COLORS, SHAPES, ALPHABET.  At his age, my little boy can now identify more than 10 different colors and shapes.  Though he can’t recite the alphabet from A to Z, he can now identify the alphabet.

CLASS PICTURE.  Neo’s first class picture was captured last September.  I don’t want to post the picture because these are not my kids.  But if there’s one thing I notice, out of 21 students only 7 kids plus the teacher is looking at the camera LOL.

FIRST EXAMINATION.  After 3 months of learning, it was time of their first examination.  I was not really pressured when I learned that they will have an exam.  It was Neo’s papa who took on the challenge of teaching his son EVERY NIGHT (the whole week and the week before the exams) before going to bed. 

Papa’s quiz for Neo.

I think the little boy had too much information and pseudo tests exams that he almost perfected the actual one.

One of Neo’s exam results.

FAMILY DAY.  Family Day event for the daycare should be Papa, Mama, and Neo.  But since Mama can’t file for a leave at work, Papa had to be Papa and Mama for the day.  I think both of them enjoyed all the games and bonding time.

Neo playing with his classmates during the Family Day.

Because of all these developments in Neo, I am now very happy with our decision to let him TRY schooling this early.   He gets to learn a lot, he gets to socialize a lot, and he makes us all so proud.


  1. My goodness! Neo is bright. Mana sa parents? Hehe. Good luck Neo. I'll be reading all your Mom's Daycare diaries.

  2. we're so proud of Baby Neo! I want to squeeze him na!!!!!!!!! :D


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